The cinterface framework is meant to be used when developing low-level interfaces to complex textual or binary files, where the explicit modeling of the file schema is a desired feature. The abstractions defined by the framework allow the user to divide the modeling of file schemas in meaningful pieces, enabling reuse of schemas and content while reading and writing files.
Three main file types are provided by the framework: BlockFile, SectionFile and RegisterFile. Each of these file models are meant to use in specific situations.
BlockFiles are files which can be modeled as blocks of text (or bytes), which can be easily identified by a given beginning pattern and an optional ending pattern. These patterns can be given as regexes for the entity definition in the framework. The steps of reading a block are up to the user to define by overloading the read
SectionFiles are a special case of BlockFiles that don’t follow beginning or ending patterns, but can be divided in sections, which are direct divisions of the file content in a subset of lines or bytes. These are usually the simplest files, where the content does not vary in amount or contain repeating pieces.
RegisterFiles can be seen also as a special case of BlockFiles, where each block contain only one line. The actual implementation of the internals of a RegisterFile differ, however, from a BlockFile. Using the Line entity from the framework, RegisterFiles are made in a way that many registers can be defined with little overhead from the developer, allowing to model an extensive set of patterns with little code maintenance.
Each of the files, together with some additional details on another abstractions provided by the framework, will be briefly shown in the following. For more details on each approach, check on the examples page. If your use case is not actually covered, please contribute with an Issue.
The most fundamental components in the cinterface framework are the Fields. Being defined for both textual and binary interfaces, fields are containers for one specific data value, with a specific formatting, located in a file. The common base Field class is used for defining generic reading and writing functions, which implementations are given by each specific subclass.
Each specific Field contain its own arguments. For instance, if the file being modeled contains a line in which a specific literal data is desired:
1 | Username (max. 30 chars) | ...
2 | FooBar | ...
One can see that the Username
begins in the second column and will contain at most 30 characters. So, one can define a LiteralField that will extract, format and store the content:
1 from cfinterface import LiteralField
3 username = LiteralField(size=30, starting_position=1)
5 value = username.read("| FooBar | ...")
6 # The content "FooBar" can be accessed by both value and username.value
7 assert value == "FooBar"
8 assert username.value == "FooBar"
Other fields are used for storing numeric values, such as IntegerField and FloatField. The DatetimeField is used specifically for constructing an datetime object directly from the file contents following one or more format strings.
Usually a line in a file contain more than just one piece of desired information. In this case, the Field component is not enough for being able to model the given line for reading and writing. In these cases, the Line component is the one suited for the task, being defined as a simple collection of fields. In the previous example, suppose that the actual file lines contain more than just the username:
1 | Username (max. 30 chars) | Signup Date | Age | Balance ($) | ...
2 | FooBar | 2020-05-20 | 18 | 99.90 | ...
The line contents now are modeled by a list of fields, which define a Line:
1 from datetime import datetime
3 from cfinterface import LiteralField, DatetimeField, IntegerField, FloatField, Line
5 username = LiteralField(size=30, starting_position=1)
6 signup_date = DatetimeField(size=13, starting_position=32, format="%Y-%m-%d")
7 age = IntegerField(size=5, starting_position=46)
8 balance = FloatField(size=13, starting_position=52, decimal_digits=2)
10 line = Line(fields=[username, signup_date, age, balance])
12 values = line.read("| FooBar | 2020-05-20 | 18 | 99.90 | ...")
13 assert values == ["FooBar", datetime(2020, 5, 20), 18, 99.90]
Blocks and BlockFiles
Suppose there is a file which content resembles the following
2I have some raw text for describing my content, because I was mean for being irectly read by someone.
4Now I have some data. After which I will be done.
6Date Index Value
72020/01 1 1000.0
82020/02 1 2000.0
92020/01 2 3000.0
102020/02 2 4000.0
112020/01 3 5000.0
122020/02 3 6000.0
16My content is completely different from the previous block...
17 Username Last Login
18 admin 1996/01/01
19 sunshine 2000/01/01
20 pineapple 1996/01/01
21 admin 1996/01/01
One may notice that the file is composed of two blocks of content that have clear beginning and ending patterns, but are written without an specific order in the file. Even the number of repetitions of both blocks cannot be discovered without parsing the whole file at least once. In this case, a BlockFile is the best approach for modeling it.
One possible approach for modeling the file using the BlockFile abstraction is:
1 from typing import IO
2 import pandas as pd
4 from cfinterface import IntegerField, FloatField, DatetimeField, LiteralField
5 from cfinterface import Line, Block, BlockFile
7 class FirstBlock(Block):
9 __slots__ = [
10 "__header_lines",
11 "__line_model",
12 ]
19 def __init__(self, previous=None, next=None, data=None) -> None:
20 super().__init__(previous, next, data)
21 self.__header_lines = []
22 date_field = DatetimeField(size=7, starting_position=0, format="%y/%m")
23 index_field = IntegerField(size=4, starting_position=11)
24 value_field = FloatField(size=6, starting_position=19)
25 self.__line_model = Line([date_field, index_field, value_field])
27 def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
28 if not isinstance(o, FirstBlock):
29 return False
30 block: FirstBlock = o
31 if not all(
32 [
33 isinstance(self.data, pd.DataFrame),
34 isinstance(block.data, pd.DataFrame),
35 ]
36 ):
37 return False
38 else:
39 return self.data.equals(block.data)
41 # Override
42 def read(self, file: IO, *args, **kwargs) -> bool:
44 # Discards the line with the beginning pattern
45 file.readline()
47 # Reads header lines for writing later
48 for _ in range(self.__class__.NUM_HEADER_LINES):
49 self.__header_lines.append(file.readline())
51 # Reads the data content
52 dates = []
53 indices = []
54 values = []
56 while True:
58 line = file.readline()
59 if FirstBlock.ends(line):
60 self.data = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Index": indices, "Value": values)
61 break
63 date, index, value = self.__line_model.read()
64 dates.append(date)
65 indices.append(index)
66 values.append(value)
68 # Override
69 def write(self, file: IO, *args, **kwargs):
71 file.write(self.__class__.BEGIN_PATTERN + "\n")
73 # Writes header lines
74 for line in self.__header_lines:
75 file.write(line)
77 # Writes data lines
78 for _, line in self.data.iterrows():
79 self.__line_model.write([line["Date"], line["Index"], line["Value"]])
81 file.write(self.__class__.END_PATTERN + "\n")
84 class SecondBlock(Block):
85 # Implement in a similar way for the second block specifics
88 class MyBlockFile(BlockFile):
90 BLOCKS = [
91 FirstBlock,
92 SecondBlock,
93 ]
95 # All the reading and writing logic is done by the framework,
96 # finding when each block begins and calling their implemetations.
97 # The user can implement some properties for better suiting its use cases:
99 @property
100 def first_block_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
101 block_dfs = [b.data for b in self.data.get_blocks_of_type(FirstBlock)]
102 return pd.concat(block_dfs, ignore_index=True)
104 file = MyBlockFile.read("/path/to/file_describe_above.txt")
105 assert type(file.first_block_data) == pd.DataFrame
106 file.write("/path/to/some_other_desired_file.txt")
107 # The content of the written file should be the same
108 # as the source file
As one can see, the read
and write
methods are implemented in a generic way in the base BlockFile
class, and will deal with any of the block types informed in the BLOCKS
class attribute. However, each Block must implement its own read
and write
methods, which will be called when the BlockFile
class successfully matches one of the BEGIN_PATTERN expressions. All the blocks that were successully read will be stored in the data
field, accessible inside the built file
object. This is a BlockData object, which implements a double linked list of blocks that were parsed from the given file.
The developer may edit any of the desired blocks or any of its fields. When calling the write
function, all blocks will be written to the file, following the login of its own write
function, implemented by the developer.
Any content in the file that was not matched as being in any of the given blocks is stored as an instance of the DefaultBlock object, which is an one-line block for reproducing the entire file contents when writing it back.
Registers and RegisterFiles
A special case of blocks in a file is when the length of each block is exactly 1. In this case, each block is a single line, and defining all the requirements of the Block + BlockFile approach can be a little too much.
For handling this special case, the developer can use another approach, which is defined by RegisterFile abstraction, together with the Register components.
Suppose there is a file with the following content
1DATA_HIGH ID001 sudo.user 10/20/2025 901.25
2DATA_HIGH ID002 sudo.user 10/21/2025 100.20
3DATA_HIGH ID003 test.user 10/30/2025 100.20
5DATA_LOW 01/01/2024 105.23
6DATA_LOW 01/02/2024 29.15
7DATA_LOW 01/03/2024 5.05
In this case, each line is defined by an unique beginning pattern in its first columns, together with a set of fields that are positioned on different places depending on the beginning pattern.
Each pattern determines a different Register class to be built, and the entire file can have a variable number of objects for each register.
One possible approach for modeling the file using the RegisterFile abstraction is:
1 from typing import Union, Optional, List
2 from datetime import datetime
3 import pandas as pd
5 from cfinterface import IntegerField, FloatField, DatetimeField, LiteralField
6 from cfinterface import Line, Register, RegisterFile
8 class DataHigh(Register):
11 LINE = Line(
12 [
13 LiteralField(size=6, starting_position=11),
14 LiteralField(size=9, starting_position=19),
15 DatetimeField(size=10, starting_position=30, format="%M/$d/%Y"),
16 FloatField(size=6, starting_position=42, decimal_digits=2),
17 ]
18 )
20 @property
21 def field_id(self) -> str:
22 """
23 Identifier of the DataHigh element.
24 """
25 return self.fdata[0]
27 @field_id.setter
28 def field_id(self, v: str):
29 self.data[0] = v
31 @property
32 def user(self) -> str:
33 """
34 User associated with the DataHigh element.
35 """
36 return self.fdata[1]
38 @user.setter
39 def user(self, v: str):
40 self.data[1] = v
42 @property
43 def date(self) -> datetime:
44 """
45 Date associated with the DataHigh element.
46 """
47 return self.data[2]
49 @date.setter
50 def date(self, v: datetime):
51 self.data[2] = v
53 @property
54 def value(self) -> float:
55 """
56 Value associated with the DataHigh element.
57 """
58 return self.data[3]
60 @value.setter
61 def value(self, v: float):
62 self.data[3] = v
65 class DataLow(Register):
68 LINE = Line(
69 [
70 DatetimeField(size=10, starting_position=11, format="%M/$d/%Y"),
71 FloatField(size=6, starting_position=24, decimal_digits=2),
72 ]
73 )
76 @property
77 def date(self) -> datetime:
78 """
79 Date associated with the DataLow element.
80 """
81 return self.data[0]
83 @date.setter
84 def date(self, v: datetime):
85 self.data[0] = v
87 @property
88 def value(self) -> float:
89 """
90 Value associated with the DataLow element.
91 """
92 return self.data[1]
94 @value.setter
95 def value(self, v: float):
96 self.data[1] = v
99 class MyRegisterFile(RegisterFile):
102 DataHigh,
103 DataLow,
104 ]
106 # All the reading and writing logic is done by the framework,
107 # finding which register is in each line and calling their implemetations.
108 # The user can implement some properties for better suiting its use cases:
110 @property
111 def data_high(self) -> Optional[Union[DataHigh, List[DataHigh]]]:
112 return self.data.get_registers_of_type(DataHigh)
114 @property
115 def data_low(self) -> Optional[Union[DataLow, List[DataLow]]]:
116 return self.data.get_registers_of_type(DataLow)
118 file = MyRegisterFile.read("/path/to/file_describe_above.txt")
119 assert len(file.data_high) == 3
120 assert file.data_high[0].field_id == "ID001"
121 file.write("/path/to/some_other_desired_file.txt")
122 # The content of the written file should be the same
123 # as the source file
As one can see, the read
and write
methods are implemented in a generic way in the base RegisterFile
class, and will deal with any of the register types informed in the REGISTER
class attribute. All the registers that were successully read will be stored in the data
field, accessible inside the built file
object. This is a RegisterData object, which implements a double linked list of registers that were parsed from the given file.
The developer may edit any of the desired registers or any of its fields. When calling the write
function, all registers will be written to the file, following the formatting of each of field.
Any content in the file that was not matched as being in any of the given registers is stored as an instance of the DefaultRegister object, which is an one-field register for reproducing the entire file contents when writing it back.
Sections and SectionFiles
Another special case of blocks in a file is when the beginning pattern of each block does not matter. In this case, the file to be modeled is usually well determined in terms of content and ordering. However, if the developer also models others files using the BlockFile and RegisterFile approaches and wants to maintain all the files in the same framework, the Section and SectionFile can be used. Also, following the framework allows versioning each file part separately, which can be useful for schemas that change over time.
Suppose there is a file with the following content
1Date Index Value
32020/01 1 1000.0
42020/02 1 2000.0
52020/01 2 3000.0
62020/02 2 4000.0
72020/01 3 5000.0
82020/02 3 6000.0
11 Username Last Login
13 admin 1996/01/01
14 sunshine 2000/01/01
15 pineapple 1996/01/01
16 admin 1996/01/01
If the file is such that always these two tables will be exhibited, in the same order, and there is no chance of repeating these information blocks, the SectionFile approach can be used. Also, one may note that there is no such clear beginning and ending patterns like the previous BlockFile example.
One possible approach for modeling the file using the SectionFile abstraction is:
1 from typing import Union, Optional, List
2 from datetime import datetime
3 import pandas as pd
5 from cfinterface import IntegerField, FloatField, DatetimeField, LiteralField
6 from cfinterface import Line, Section, SectionFile
8 class FirstSection(Section):
10 __slots__ = [
11 "__line_model",
12 ]
14 HEADER_LINE = "Date Index Value"
15 MARGIN_LINE = "----------------------------"
17 def __init__(self, previous=None, next=None, data=None) -> None:
18 super().__init__(previous, next, data)
19 date_field = DatetimeField(size=7, starting_position=0, format="%y/%m")
20 index_field = IntegerField(size=4, starting_position=11)
21 value_field = FloatField(size=6, starting_position=19)
22 self.__line_model = Line([date_field, index_field, value_field])
24 def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
25 if not isinstance(o, FirstSection):
26 return False
27 block: FirstSection = o
28 if not all(
29 [
30 isinstance(self.data, pd.DataFrame),
31 isinstance(block.data, pd.DataFrame),
32 ]
33 ):
34 return False
35 else:
36 return self.data.equals(block.data)
38 # Override
39 def read(self, file: IO, *args, **kwargs) -> bool:
41 # Discards the line with the header and margin
42 for _ in range(2):
43 file.readline()
45 # Reads the data content
46 dates = []
47 indices = []
48 values = []
50 while True:
52 line = file.readline()
53 if self.MARGIN_LINE in line:
54 self.data = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Index": indices, "Value": values)
55 break
57 date, index, value = self.__line_model.read()
58 dates.append(date)
59 indices.append(index)
60 values.append(value)
62 # Override
63 def write(self, file: IO, *args, **kwargs):
65 file.write(self.HEADER_LINE + "\n")
66 file.write(self.MARGIN_LINE + "\n")
68 # Writes data lines
69 for _, line in self.data.iterrows():
70 self.__line_model.write([line["Date"], line["Index"], line["Value"]])
72 file.write(self.MARGIN_LINE + "\n")
75 class SecondSection(Section):
76 # Implement in a similar way for the second section specifics
79 class MySectionFile(SectionFile):
82 FirstSection,
83 SecondSection,
84 ]
86 # All the reading and writing logic is done by the framework.
87 # The user can implement some properties for better suiting its use cases:
89 @property
90 def first_section_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
91 s = self.data.get_sections_of_type(FirstSection)
92 return s.data
94 file = MySectionFile.read("/path/to/file_described_above.txt")
95 assert type(file.first_section_data) == pd.DataFrame
96 file.write("/path/to/some_other_desired_file.txt")
97 # The content of the written file should be the same
98 # as the source file
As one can see, the read
and write
methods are implemented in a generic way in the base SectionFile
class, and will call the specific section functions in the same order that they were declared in the SECTION
class attribute. All the sections that were successully read will be stored in the data
field, accessible inside the built file
object. This is a SectionData object, which implements a double linked list of sections that were parsed from the given file.
The developer may edit any of the desired sections or any of its fields. When calling the write
function, all sections will be written to the file, following the formatting of each of field.
All data that may exist in the file after the last modeled section will be read as DefaultSection objects. These are one-line sections used for compatibility with data not explicitly modeled by the developer.
File Encodings
Currently, when modeling a file through any of the aforementioned approaches, the developer can choose the preferred encoding for reading and writing. Also, instead of a single encoding, a list of encodings can be supplied, which will be used for reading an writing.
Some ways for specifying encodings are:
1 from typing import IO
2 import pandas as pd
4 from cfinterface import BlockFile
6 class MyBlockFileWithSingleEncoding(BlockFile):
8 ENCODING = "utf-8"
11 class MyBlockFileWithManyEncodings(BlockFile):
13 ENCODING = ["utf-8", "latin-1", "ascii"]
When reading, each of the supplied encodings will be used, in order. The first encoding to successfully parse the whole file will end the reading process. For writing, the file model will always use the first encoding of the list.
Modeling Binary Files
When a file contains data encoded in binary format instead of textual, the cfinterface
framework is still applied for modeling its contents, supporting reading and writing. The same file models can be used, but with some differences in the meaning of some fundamental actions, which are better illustrated in the examples page.
For defining a file model as binary, one may set the class attribute:
1 from typing import IO
2 import pandas as pd
4 from cfinterface import BlockFile
6 class MyTextualFile(BlockFile):
10 class MyBinaryFile(BlockFile):
Versioning Files
Files can change their schema with time, resulting in multiple versions. One approach is to define multiple file models, but this could result in large amounts of copied and pasted code, since the changes in the schemas could be minimal.
The cfinterface
supports file versioning by allowing the user to define the lists of elements (Blocks, Registers or Sections) that exist on each version of the file.
For an example, suppose there is a file that was versioned. The file always contained two blocks, but one of them had a small change on its schema when the file version evolved from version 1.0
to 2.0
. In this case, the developer might do:
1 from typing import IO
2 import pandas as pd
4 from cfinterface import Block, BlockFile
6 class MyConstantBlock(Block):
7 pass
9 class MyVersionedOldBlock(Block):
10 pass
12 class MyVersionedNewBlock(Block):
13 pass
15 class MyVersionedFile(BlockFile):
18 "1.0": [
19 MyConstantBlock,
20 MyVersionedOldBlock
21 ],
22 "2.0": [
23 MyConstantBlock,
24 MyVersionedNewBlock
25 ]
26 }
29 MyVersionedFile.set_version("1.0")
30 old_file = MyVersionedFile.read("path/to/old/file")
31 MyVersionedFile.set_version("2.0")
32 new_file = MyVersionedFile.read("path/to/new/file")
In this case, the default behavior for any file is reading on its latest version. If the user desires to read a previous version of the file, one can use the set_version
class method for changing its behavior. The version comparison in done by Python native str
If one chooses to set a version V
, which is a non-existent key in the VERSIONS
dict, the framework looks for the first version W
among the dict keys such that W <= V
. If no such key is found, the latest version is used. As an example in the previous code block, setting the MyVersionedFile
version to 1.5
would fallback to 1.0
. However, setting it to 0.5
would result in using the latest 2.0